Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year! Thank you Ritesh!

Just wanted to use this chance to wish all of you guys a Happy New Year!

2006 was a big year for alot of us, and now there's an extra member of the lot (see blog below). Some moved away. Some stayed home. Some made their own. Here's to you guys, your families, and to a healthy, happy, fun-filled 2007!

I would also like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Ritesh for using his exorbitant income to pay for my entire trip to Amsterdam! Let's hear it for Ritesh guys. How many of us would dip into the grotesque excess of luxury we live in and pay for our friends to galavant the globe? Well Ritesh would and has. He is a true philanthropist, and a true friend.

PS - The picture above, in my humble opinion, captures and unifies the essence of both themes in this blog.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ode To Amsterdam

Once upon an evening dreary, while I walked the street and drank my beery
Over Heineken, conversation and and snacks galore
While to the sex show I was clapping, from the bedroom there came a tapping
As of something large loudly flapping, flapping at my soul's door,
'Tis something fierce', I muttered, flapping at my soul's door,
Only this and nothing more

Ah distinctly I remember it was in that cool December,
And each seperate blogspot member wrought their presence upon the floor,
Eagerly I wished the morrow, - vainly I had sought to borrow
From their herbal remedies of sorrow - sorrow stolen from laughs galore,
For that bright and evergreen laden, plant that Sherpas grow galore -
Nameless here for evermore

And that lively dancer's hustling of each red curtain
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic sensation rarely felt before
So that now, to still the aching in my loins, I stood there quaking
Reciting 'There lies a dancer beyond that door,
Some late visitors she tries to entice through her red door -
This she seeks, and nothing more

Presently my resolve grew stronger, hesitating for a moment longer,
'Ma'am said I, or Madam, your advances I must ignore
But the fact is I was trapping, through my smokey haze you started tapping,
Ever so subtly tapping, tapping at my tambourine door,
That I scarce could barely hear you' - here I walked away from that floor
And left in sheer darkness the red Dutch whore

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no blazer ever dared to dream before
But the silence was then broken, and through the darkness I heard spoken,
The only words of remedy for my maladies of yore 'Magic Mushroom special token'
He whispered, and an echo murmured back the words, 'And happy trees we have galore'
Twas heaven on Earth and true bliss I found, forever more

And there I sat, in smoke filled joy, my heart beating like that tapping toy,
Which wrenched me from the darkness I traversed through just before,
That special night from whenst I came, on that street which bears no name,
Seeking, lurking, blindly following that sensation that brought the travellers four
Who came to this city, with rampant thoughts both wild and witty, of blissful herbal glam,
And where we landed, though at times feeling stranded was in truth Utopian Amsterdam

Monday, December 25, 2006

The Players of 2N

I shall now introduce the players of the many games partaken in Appartment 2N.

Salman - Die Hard Met Fan. Respectable by day, sleepy and hungry by night (often on Lou and Luchy's couch). Mr. Met without the giant baseball head. Blogsite Creator

Sameena - Queen of Chocolate, Lord of the Monkey. Good at making others forget a bad day at work

Ritesh - Former New Yorker. Presently exiled in Ohio for crimes against heterosexuality during his time in Chelsea

Shelly - Unfortunate companion of Ritesh. Unwittingly coaxed into marriage when Ritesh told her that he was pregnant. Presently seeking a friend, any friend, anything to get her out of Ritesh's lair

Luchy - Destroyer of cell phones. An avid journeywoman seeking the kind of trouble only Manhattan can offer. Proof that some Cubans can in fact run, jump and swim.

Lou - Master of the Lazy Boy. Lord of the Unconscious. Lou spends most of his life in REM sleep. He is skillful in the arts of firing up a BBQ and a hookah, drunken cleaning and rooting for the Jets. Believed to dream of Joe Willie Namath daily. J - E - T - S

Koster - Believed for many years to be a demon on Earth (as evidenced by his ability to evade death) Koster is now a respectable father. Proof that a child can tame even the wildest of beasts

Divya - The Mother. Creator of Kiran. Skilled in the arts of giving birth and making scrapbooks

Jesse - The Sherpa. The renaissance man of our group. Much like Macgyver, he can create or "grow" anything from anything else

Felicia - The Energy. Felicia can take the collective peace and lethargy of any situation and trasform it into a sudden desire to party. Much like Red Bull, but in Jewish girl form

Welcome to Lou and Luchy's Couch

Welcome all to the very first post on the very first blog dedicated to the musings from appartment 2N. It is a long time coming that the many brilliant ideas born in that most ignominious of headquarters go wireless. I hope you all find yourselves frequent contributors to this leap into the 21st century.

Now many of you may find it rather presumptuous that I have a created a blog with the name 'Lou and Luchy's Couch' as I am neither proprietor of the names nor the couch. To that I say, oh really? If not I, then who occupies that couch the most outside of its immediate owners (and Jesee and Felicia, and previously Koster and Diviya)?? And if that line of reasoning fails to convince you then let it suffice that I am the creator of this blog and can damn well call it whatever I want!

That brief rant aside, I must now bring to order the first issue in this inaugural post. There is a certain upcoming journey to be embarked upon by many of the key members of Lou and Luchy's Couch. This is a journey, much like that of Frodo of the Shire, filled with peril at every corner. The reward for a succesful completion of the journey: countless moments of bliss both in the form of brownie, and live sex show. It is this adventure, just weeks away, that prompts the birth of our blog.

So with that I welcome all of you to join this site and become frequent posters. I know it will be a success.

Merry Christmas Lou, Luchy and the Kosters!

Happy Hannukkah Jesse and Felicia!

Eid Mubarak Sameena!

And Happy Kwanzaa Ritesh and Shelly!

Go Mets!!